Speaking with Closer magazine, the twins, Monica and Gabriela Irimia, reveal that, although they now boast extremely fit and toned bodies, it wasn’t always so. Back when they were still getting tons and tons of negative media, for anything from their music to their fashion choices and their personal lives, and when they had reached a financial dead-end with their label collapsing and their not selling anything anymore, the girls succumbed to pressure and, to put it simply, stopped eating.
Their weight plummeted under 44 kg, while their waists contracted to just 22 inches. Moreover, being twins and always doing things together made it harder for Monica and Gabriela to come out of anorexia, they now say. “We negatively supported each other to stay ill. Gabriela came out of it, but it was hard for me to stop. You don’t want to go out because you might be tempted by food, so you just stay in and drink Diet Coke.” Monica tells Closer.
Even if they’re now in extraordinary shape, going to the gym everyday, taking dancing lessons and eating healthy, the girls say anorexia is not something that you can just cure and then forget about it. Having this disorder once means you’ll have it for the rest of your life, which, in turn, means you’ll have to live the rest of your life making sure you don’t fall victim to the same temptations again, the sisters add for the aforementioned magazine.
“Once anorexic, you’re always a bit anorexic. You always have to hide a sense of guilt. Even when you’re cured you still have it in your mind.” Monica explains. Her sister, Gabriela, seems to agree, although she does explain that circumstances in one’s life also play an important part in developing the dangerous eating disorder. “We didn’t have any control. We’d never even heard of anorexia and became sick without realizing it.” Gabriela adds.
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