Thursday, January 24, 2008

Athabasca U Launches Heritage Resources Management Program

Athabasca University has launched an exciting new academic program in Heritage Resources Management. The new program is designed to provide a sound foundation in museum and heritage studies, giving prospective and current heritage professionals an opportunity to build and develop their skills.

The Heritage Resources Management Program will offer both undergraduate and graduate routes to professional certification. Students can pursue either the University Certificate in Heritage Resources Management or the Graduate Diploma in Heritage Resources Management.

"The ability to preserve and conserve Canadian heritage is crucial," said program director Don Wetherell, a noted Alberta historian, author and academic. "One of the strengths of the program is that it deals with the whole of the heritage field, not just museums and interpretive centres, but also heritage preservation, and archival practice."

Courses will be of interest to people working at heritage institutions such as galleries, museums, historic sites, archives, interpretive centres and parks. It will also be of special interest to the more than 40,000 Canadians who spend time each year volunteering in heritage facilities.

"The courses are of a high level so that the certificate courses can be used toward a Bachelor of Arts at AU and the diploma courses can be used toward a Master of Arts in Integrated Studies degree," says Wetherell. "Additionally, the program would be valuable for people currently employed, for career advancement and strengthening experience."

The Heritage Resources Management Program will also provide academic training for the Government of Alberta's Historic Resources Intern Program. Interns at provincial heritage sites and museums will earn formal academic credentials in heritage resources management while they are employed in the heritage field.

"This is an exciting program that will benefit all those passionate about Alberta's and Canada's heritage and will allow Alberta's expertise to be shared around the world," said Frits Pannekoek, president of Athabasca University. "We have already had enquiries from as far away as Mozambique and Nunavut."

Athabasca University is one of the world's foremost and fastest growing distance and e-learning centres. The university serves over 37,000 graduate and undergraduate students and offers more than 700 courses in 90 undergraduate and graduate degrees, diploma and certificate programs.

For more information about the Heritage Resources Management Program at Athabasca University, visit the program website at
Don Wetherell, Director
Heritage Resources Management Program
Athabasca University

Source @ LIN

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