Friday, June 22, 2007

How to get better tasting sperm

Cut out alcohol, caffeine, recreational drugs and nicotine their all pollutants

Drink lots of water 1 - 2 liters a day to flush out body toxins

Fruit get plenty each day and sweeten your sperm taste Pineapple, papaya cranberry, melons, mangos, apples grapes are all good choices. These fruits are high in natural sugars and offset the bitter taste.

Eat plenty of vegetables which are generally good for improving sperm taste

Cut red meat consumption this is one pf the main offenders when it comes to making sperm taste salty. Dairy produce such as milk and cheese also make sperm taste salty. Make sure when you eat protein you get good quality lean protein such as chicken and turkey

Fish is claimed by some to be an offender in terms of taste, but this seems to vary between individuals. Try it and see the affects before cutting it out, fish is a major part of a healthy diet, so don’t cut it out!

Avoid heavy spices such as Garlic and onions, their big offenders when it comes to sperm taste, as they have a high sulfur content.

Do not buy products that claim to make your semen taste better there is no evidence that they work. Your semen can be made to taste better by overall changes in diet and lifestyle, it’s a complex formula and a good healthy diet has the biggest affect

Parsley, wheatgrass, and celery are particularly recommended for sweeter semen taste, because of their high chlorophyll content

Cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint and lemon are particularly recommended for making semen taste sweeter

Avoid junk food, there loaded with chemicals and preservatives that pollute your body and your semen’s taste

Source @ eHow

Friday, June 15, 2007

Nicotine Plus Alcohol May Be Tough to Beat

As many bar patrons know all too well, drinking and smoking tend to go together. Now, research in mice suggests why that might be so.

nicotineIt's well known that, "The success rate for stopping drinking is much lower if someone continues smoking," noted lead researcher Thomas J. Gould, a neuroscientist and associate professor of psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia. The concurrent use of "ethanol [alcohol] and nicotine can lead to very serious problems," he added.

His team found that mice suffer deficits in their ability to learn and remember as they are withdrawing from nicotine. Furthermore, alcohol use appears to have negative effects on nicotine withdrawal. Interactions between the two addictions may generate a "negative spiral" of tolerance and dependence on both substances, Gould said.

That could explain why a smoker who walks into his favorite smoke-filled bar may feel like drinking. In the same situation, a social drinker who normally doesn't smoke may start craving a cigarette if they're having a drink, Gould said.

He was slated to present the findings Tuesday at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, in San Diego.

The mouse model's demonstration of the effects of withdrawal from chronic smoking also suggest an explanation of why light smokers may initially feel stimulated by nicotine but lose that stimulation as the habit continues, Gould said. When smoking becomes chronic, the initial stimulation is blocked and, instead, cognitive deficits begin to show up.

"So, it takes any of the positive effects and shifts the dose-response to the negative end quicker," Gould explained.

alcoholSimilarly, someone addicted to alcohol has "pretty strong memories of the first time they drank," Gould said. But because of the cognitive deficits created by alcohol abuse and their impact on new learning, alcoholics have a harder time remembering the adverse effects alcohol has now. These later memories aren't as "driving" as the fonder and stronger memory of that first drink, he believes.

The genetic make-up of mice and humans is 96 percent alike, so the results of these animal studies "gives you clues of where to look and allows you to analyze things at different levels than you might be able to do in the human population -- it provides a stepping stone," Gould said.

The next step in his research will be to identify where in the brain tobacco and alcohol interact, he explained.

"If we can understand what changed and how it changed, then you can perhaps devise better interventions" for people, Gould said.

"There is a lot of clinical sense" behind Gould's findings, said Dr. Rob Vorel, a psychiatric fellow at Columbia University Medical Center's division of substance abuse in New York City.

Vorel said there is a lot of interest in how cigarette smoking affects cognitive function and thinking. For example, when smokers stop smoking, they often find that they can't get any work done -- and then start smoking again, so they can be more productive.

Without having seen the study's data, Vorel said, "it sounds like they actually found a correlation between alcohol and nicotine at the mouse level. Nicotine and alcohol dependence are so common, and it [the study] may reveal some mechanisms that reveal why so many alcoholics smoke."

The limits of this type of animal study, Vorel added, are that the findings are "not more than predictions of ideas to test. From an intellectual level, it's an important step forward."

Barbara Flannery, a research psychologist for RTI International, a scientific institute in Baltimore, agreed.

"Certainly, this can translate to humans. It's harder to learn when you're addicted to alcohol," she said. "I think that multiple abuse dependence on various substances like nicotine and alcohol definitely has an additive effect in that's it's more damaging than either alone."

More information
To find out more about addiction, head to the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Source @ Forbes

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Best Places To Network

Master networkers constantly reach out to those around them, even in ways others might consider rude or just impractical--like overhearing a conversation at a restaurant or café and joining in. "I'm the person who talks to you on the airplane," says Brooke Emery, a New York City-based marketing consultant who describes herself as a "people collector." Such outgoing behavior has helped her amass what she calls her "jellybean jar of people," and friends rely on her as the go-to person to put them in touch with anyone they need.

If you want to fill your own jellybean jar with useful people, some places are better for networking than others. The best places are industry events where you'll meet folks just like you. If you're a woman working in the food industry in New York, this might mean getting involved with groups like the New York Women's Culinary Alliance. At these sorts of events, you'll be with your own tribe, with people who work in your field and share common interests and knowledge. These are excellent places to meet potential collaborators or future employers.

Think creatively about places to mingle with people in your field. Marci Alboher, a journalist and author of One Person/Multiple Careers, plays a monthly poker game with other journalists. "I keep up with what's going on in the industry, mix business and pleasure, and have deepened relationships by having that regular activity with a group of people," she says.

Your leisure activities and non-work-related interests also offer smart places to network. After all, you will have at least one thing in common with the woman who goes to your yoga class, even if you don't otherwise occupy the same career or social sphere. But that's good, because it gives you a chance to grow your social network in unexpected new directions.

"I think creativity and real breakthrough ideas come from unusual places, and not just from hanging out with people just like you," says Beth Schoenfeldt, founder of Ladies Who Launch, a nationwide network of entrepreneurial women.

So even though it might seem like a cliché, it's worth it to strike up a conversation with someone at the gym.

"I [do yoga] for tranquility, as a release to get away from work, but end up having conversations about work and finding clients," says Mary Carlomagno, a Hoboken, N.J.-based organizer. "It's about finding people who are like-minded."

Networking during leisure activities works because people are not consciously thinking about their jobs. Your shared interests allow you to naturally get to know someone personally before you know them professionally. Emery, the self-described "people-collector," volunteers one night a week at the Ronald McDonald House. When she needed fashion models for a project she was working on, she discovered that another volunteer owns a modeling agency. The two ended up working together.

Don't neglect the most obvious networking tool of all--the Internet. A number of online social networks have huge memberships hailing from around the globe. They are open 24/7, and it's relatively easy to locate people with similar interests and ambitions. One downside: It's so easy to form connections online that those ties can be weaker than bonds that grow from face-to-face interactions.

"Human beings are designed for small-scale social interaction," says Andrew Zolli, curator of Pop!Tech, an annual conference of "visionary thinkers" from diverse fields. "All of this [online networking] is making in-person connection more important." Some sites, like, attempt to address this problem by coordinating face-to-face events.

Most important, don't give up. If one venue doesn't seem fruitful at first, keep circulating at other places. "Just do it," says Mark Doerschlag, who runs Mark's Guide, a listing of professional events in Boston. "It's about getting out there. Repeatedly."

Source @ Forbes